We manage to cover 96% of the traditional stores in Valcea and Gorj counties.

Ramnicu Valcea and Targu Jiu, built to the highest standards.

Retail proMarket
ProMarket stores that have the logo “created for you” in Arges county (Domnesti & Cepari).
About Us
STALEX LOGISTIC FMCG SRL operates on the market for the sale of consumer products (FMCG). Established in 2009, STALEX LOGISTIC FMCG SRL has managed to establish itself on the local market as one of the top companies in the field of distribution and export in various EU countries (Germany, Belgium, France, England, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus) . These results were obtained against the background of the consecration from the establishment until now of a customer orientation policy. Through this orientation we aimed at satisfying at an optimal level the needs of our partners – paying special attention to all the elements of the marketing mix (recognized product portfolio, competitive prices, optimal distribution, promotion made by our partners).
A storage hall with an area of over 1500 sqm with state-of-the-art goods handling and storage equipment, separate areas for loading and unloading goods (activities that most often take place simultaneously).
Park of over 25 new cars made available for distribution. Valcea distribution, Gorj distribution.
Ultramodern IT system through which we managed to connect online all departments (agents, transport, warehouse, invoicing, management) so that our customers benefit from the best products and choices in the shortest time.
Last but not least, a highly qualified staff of which we are proud to have at our disposal offices, IT equipment, conference room and state-of-the-art recreation spaces.
They talk about our constant concern to improve the services offered.
Work Vans
On time Deliveries
If you own a store in Valcea, Arges or Gorj counties and you want us to work together, leave us a message or call us at the numbers in the CONTACT section, and as soon as possible one of our agents will come to you.
At the same time, EXPORT is a strong point of ours because we always offer the best services to our clients.
Stalex Logistic ensures the supply of food products (food, non-food) to over 1200 customers. Valcea, Gorj and Arges distribution. We want to offer maximum profits for our clients, that's why we provide services that increase efficiency, high-performance financial solutions and packages, computer system and online services.
We work with over 20 suppliers. We currently offer our clients a portfolio of approximately 2,500 products. We have strategic partners with the help of which we managed to retain our customers by offering them a wide range of high recognition products belonging to renowned companies, their vast majority being multinational companies: Dr.Oetker, Fuchs, Orkla Foods (Tomi, La Minut, Hame, Linco), Divella, GM Grup (Trolli, Mieszko, Bogutti, Vobro, Tago, Argo), Expur (Bunica, Olpo), Naturavit, Losos, Good Mills (Raftul Bunicii, Titan).
Our vision
The quality of services and also the quality of our products both on distribution, export, and in proMarket stores.
Contact us
St. Calea Bucuresti, no. 78-80-82, Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea County
00 40 745 30 90 78 - Boian Bogdan
00 40 350 420 102 - Fax
00 40 350 802 709 - Phone